Say "NO!" To Drugs - Project

I have asked my watchers at DeviantArt to send in their original characters, if they want to say NO to drugs - and they did! Yay!

This is a running project and you don´t have to be a member of DeviantArt to take part in this. Draw your character, post it in the forum and send me a message there. I will add your character to the drawing :)

say no

from left to right, saying "NO!":

Shinto by Sammy, aka Der-Kleene-Alchemist :iconder-kleene-alchemist:
Tasmin by Tasmin :D aka Diamondd-Dreams :icondiamondd-dreams:
Tiny Tina by Earthymoon :iconearthymoon:

Yuio by Alicia, aka BriarKiss :iconbriarkiss:

(Kyoko & Elsa)
Mura by QuantemFear :iconquantemfear:
Gatina by Quamp :iconquamp:
Brewski2444´s angel Sara :iconbrewski2444:
Kevin´s / MetalShadow´s Kisa :) :iconmetalshadowx2777:
Princess Coffee by Tina, aka BoundPrincess :iconboundprincess:
and Kaira & Driphtyr by David, aka DriphtyrTaigur :icondriphtyrtaigur: