Originally, a Dojinshi is a so called "Fan-Fiction"; stories written by the fans of all sorts of characters from popular media-series; be it television, manga, book, game or movie. Dojinshi are filling gaps or they cover spin-offs or tell stories, the fans would have loved to read/see and that were never written by the original author. Often dojinshi have inspired the original author to cover a certain plot and to deliver a desired story-line. This way, an exchange happens and creative people inspire eachother, taking artwork to the next level. Kyoko´s friends, their works and their opinions are VITAL for my development as a wanna-be graphic artist.
Dojinshi are an essential part of manga-culture and every author should feel honored, if her or his work inspires other people to make up stories using the author´s characters. As every picture tells a story, I call all fan-art of Kyoko and her friends dojinshi :)
Thank you very much, all you friends of Kyoko, who take the time to draw their vision of my sexy catgirl from outer space. I love every single one of these pictures and your work is more important to me, then you can imagine. After all, this is the BEST feedback an illustrator of comics, cartoons and funnies can ask for. I bow my head to you!
Old Contest: Colour And Name Kyoko´s Twin-Sister!