The Amazing Kyoko - Dojinshi (FanArt) - Kyoko as seen by her friends ^^

Originally, a Dojinshi is a so called "Fan-Fiction"; stories written by the fans of all sorts of characters from popular media-series; be it television, manga, book, game or movie. Dojinshi are filling gaps or they cover spin-offs or tell stories, the fans would have loved to read/see and that were never written by the original author. Often dojinshi have inspired the original author to cover a certain plot and to deliver a desired story-line. This way, an exchange happens and creative people inspire eachother, taking artwork to the next level. Kyoko´s friends, their works and their opinions are VITAL for my development as a wanna-be graphic artist.

Dojinshi are an essential part of manga-culture and every author should feel honored, if her or his work inspires other people to make up stories using the author´s characters. As every picture tells a story, I call all fan-art of Kyoko and her friends dojinshi :)

Thank you very much, all you friends of Kyoko, who take the time to draw their vision of my sexy catgirl from outer space. I love every single one of these pictures and your work is more important to me, then you can imagine. After all, this is the BEST feedback an illustrator of comics, cartoons and funnies can ask for. I bow my head to you!


Old Contest: Colour And Name Kyoko´s Twin-Sister!

placeholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholderplaceholder086085084Dohinshi 083082 Merry X-Mas

 by Silleloveart081 Sad Kyoko 

by Silleloveart080 Kyoko Chibi

 by Silleloveart079 Prayer 

by David078 Kyoko´s Heart

 by Incy077 Kyoko 3D.3

 by Y-Phil076 Kyoko 3D.2

 by Y-Phil075 Happy Birthday

 by Arisha074 Protecting

 by Andrew073 Happy Birthday
by Darth Baw072 Happy Birthday 

by Muttins071 Riding Sybian

 by Y-Phil

070 Kyoko 3D.1

 by Y-Phil069 MeetingAtTheBunny 

by DmanM068 Skinny Dipping
by Soul-Less-Puppet067 Kira

 by me (Yay again!)066 Kisa

 by me (Yay!)065 TorturingElsa

 by Ieda064 Easter 2012 

by Arisha063 - Doggystyle 

by Biarkiss062 WhatDoesItDo? 

by Ieda061 LoadMeAShell

 by Driphtyr TaigurAppointment

 by Muttins059 MerryXMas 

by Ieda058 MerryCatmess
by Arisha057 Offensive 

by Sammy056 Coffeetime 

by Tina055 Juice 

by Darklord054 PoleDance

 by Briarkiss053 Cookie

 by Arisha052 ElsaCake

 by Kevin Max Kraft051BlueHair

 by Katha050 RedHair

 by Katha049 HappyBirthday

 by Ieda048 Hi!

 by Arisha047 Red By Red
046 Serineity

 by DeaMorte045 HelpingHand

 by DmanM044 LettersKisa1 

by Kevin Max Kraft043 What Is It? 

by DriphtyrTaigur042 Elsa&Kaori

 by Ieda041 Glasses

 by Briarkiss040 Sexy

 by Soulless Puppet039 Sir Phallus

 by Kevin Max Kraft038 KittenKyoko2

 by Andrew037 KisaTeaser 

 by Kevin Max Kraft036 Splines

 by Kevin Max Kraft035 KittenKyoko1 

by Andrew034 AnimeStyle

 by AnimeFaceMaker033KissingKyoko

 by Andrew032 Chibi

 by Jaelachan031 TeaTime

 by Andrew030 SleepingOver

 by Andrew029 Easter2011

 by Arisha028 Poledance2

 by HeartOfDeath027 Poledance1

 by HeartOfDeath026 Beachwalk2

 by Iedaplaceholder025 Beachwalk1

 by Ieda024 Victoria´sSecret

 by DepBlack023 SexyKyoko

 by Imaranx022 Walfas

 by Aeronator021 Nekoyascha

 by Justine020 Icecream 

by Imaranx019 Kweetznutz 

by Arisha018 HappyHolidays 

by Fatefreak017 FuckTheFlamers

 by Earthymoon016 Wilderness 

by Katha015 I love me

 by Earthymoon014 Happy Birthday

 by Sammy013 InThePark 

by Nele012 Birthdayparty

 by Earthymoon011 ShadowBondage

 by Megan010 Kyoko

 by Eric009 KyokoDoujinshi 

by Greta008 Mushroom

 by Monika007 Kyoko

 by Arisha006 KyokoTiedUp

 by Kevin Max Kraft005 Gift

 by Joshua004 EatablePaper

 by Arisha003 KyokoFanart

 by Richard002 ShadowOchadowa 

by Megan001 Clothingswap

 by Kevin Max Kraftplaceholder