

I love making projects with you, Kyoko´s friends! It all started with the "Shaving Kyoko Project", which I did on my own, but soon, the "Kyoko Bondage Project" followed, where I asked you to decide, into which direction the story or project would be going.You have decided via poll and I did the drawings. Below you will find the projects Kyoko´s friends and I have done so far.


Kyoko talking about the projects



11-Becoming Goliath10-Meeting Kyoko WIPMini9b-WolfsburgsGiraffeMini9a-HappyBirtdayArisha8-SayNoToDrugs7-KyokoIsBored6-Finding Elsa5-DrawingKyoko4_KyokoStriptease3-KyokoBondage2-ColoringKaori1-ShavingKyoko